All donations are tax deductible.
Let our riders and visitors know that you are a proud supporter of the Magical Meadows. All donation of $10,000 or more earn you an Arena Sponsorship that includes a banner with your design on the wall of our riding arena.
As a presenting sponsor, we will name our barn, arena, or one of our stables after your family or business. Please contact us to discuss your gift and naming request.
Are you looking to make a lasting difference? Adding the Magical Meadows to your estate planning is a great way to leave a legacy of caring. Call us at 574-265-3085 to set up a time to talk about ways to add Magical Meadows to your estate.
As we continue to expand, additional fencing remains of critical need to maintain the best safety for our riders, our horses, and our property. Your tax-deductible donation towards additional fencing will allow us to grow and serve more families in Kosciusko County and surrounding areas.
Keeping our horses safe as they mature and battle occasional illness has made portable run-in horse shelters a need. Your tax-deductible donation towards a horse shelter will bring the necessary monitoring and healing to the horses needed for our riders.